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What Shall I Do Before Receiving My Medical Micro-pigmentation Treatment?

In most medical micro-pigmentation tattooing procedures skin tone colour matching must be carried out prior to the treatment and a period of 4-6 weeks must pass before the true colour reveals itself. Your specialist will advise you, as it depends on the area treated.

A sensitivity patch test must be performed prior to the medical micro-pigmentation procedure.

It is essential that you are not tanned when the skin tone colour match takes place and you do not tan during the course of the treatment plan.

Medical micro-pigmentation procedures normally require multiple application sessions. A waiting period of 4 – 6 weeks must be allowed to permit the skin to heal fully between sessions.

Be prepared for the colour intensity to be significantly sharper and darker immediately after the procedure. This will subside and become softer as the skin heals. This process can take up to a few days.

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There may be swelling, very rarely bruising and redness following each treatment session. You may want to avoid social events.

Do not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen 2 days prior to each treatment session.

Do not discontinue any prescribed medication before consulting your doctor.

Avoid alcohol intake to a minimum of 2 days prior to and after each treatment session. Alcohol dilutes the blood and can be responsible for bruising.

Infections can occur if you do not adhere to the aftercare instructions. You must keep the area clean and medicated during the healing period as per the aftercare instruction sheet that you will be given by your specialist.

Do not use Retin A retinol skincare products close to the area to be treated for 6 weeks prior to your procedure.

Do not use AHA skincare products close to the area to be treated for 4 weeks before your procedure.

Avoid professional chemical peels close to the procedure site for 4 weeks before your procedure.

Please be aware that the National Blood Service does not accept donations of blood for 12 months after a medical micro-pigmentation procedure.

Medical Cleft Lip tattoo

If you have a history of cold sores (herpes simplex) and are scheduling a lip tattooing we advise you to use anti-herpes medication for 1 week prior and 1 week after your medical tattooing. This can help minimise an outbreak. The procedure does not cause cold sores, however, if you carry the virus, it lays dormant in the nervous system and can be aroused by the infusion process.

IPL laser hair removal should be performed at least 2 weeks before your medical tattooing.

Lip wax or bleaching treatments should not be undertaken for two weeks prior to and after your cosmetic tattoo.

How to look after your semi permanent Eyeliner tattoo 640x640 1

How to look after your semi-permanent Eyeliner tattoo?

Proper care following your eyeliner tattooing is necessary to achieve the best results. 

You may experience the following symptoms for 4 days after you had your semi-permanent eyeliner tattoo done:

Minor redness, rarely bruising, swelling and tenderness of the eyelids. Eyelashes that stick together, particularly overnight. Dryness and itchiness in the treated area. 

These symptoms are a normal part of the healing process.

For the first 2 days after your eyeliner tattoo:

  • Disposable cold packs may be applied as necessary to reduce any swelling
  • Daily care to follow for 7 days after eyeliner pigmentation
  • Apply either a healing balm or bepanthen cream a minimum of 3 times a day, using a cotton bud. Wash your hands before applying the product and prevent cross-contamination of the product by using a clean cotton bud for each eye.
  • You may wish to use an antibiotic eye cream obtained from a chemist to prevent eye infections during the healing process. Your chemist will advise you how to use it.
  • We recommend that you use a gentle facial cleanser to freshen your skin during the first week. Do not splash wash your face. Do however clean your enhancement twice daily with damp cotton pads.
  • If your enhancement gets wet, gently pat the area dry using a clean tissue.
  • Keep your hair away from your enhancement to prevent the possibility of infection.
  • Some itching is normal. DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR RUB your enhancement as the colour may heal unevenly and you could risk infection, which in turn could lead to scarring. Allow the colour to flake away by itself.
  • Do not wear contact lenses for 24 hours.
  • Use your normal eye cream sparingly taking care to ensure it is not applied directly over your new eyeliner tattoo.
  • Use sunglasses to protect your eyes from wind and pollution.
  • Do not receive skincare beauty treatments for 5 days after the application of your eyeliner.
  • No make-up should be applied close to your eyeliner for 3 days. New mascara must be used after the 3 days (there may be some bacteria present in your old mascara).

Avoid for 2 weeks

Do not expose your eyeliner to direct sun, tanning treatments, Jacuzzis, saunas, saltwater, chlorinated pools and direct shower spray. Do not receive eyelash tinting, permanent curling or any artificial eyelash treatments. Do not use lash growth products.

Important notes

Loss of some eyelashes during the healing process is a possibility but happens very rarely. Lost eyelashes will normally grow back within 4 months. Remember, your selected colour will be stronger and more sharply defined for 5 to 7 days after application but as the healing process occurs the colour will soften and lighten.

The approximate healing period is 14 days, however, healing can be prolonged if your immune system is compromised if you are generally stressed and by poor diet.

Keep in mind that in many cases, some unevenness of colour is to be expected. This is the purpose of the top-up visit allowing us to fine-tune your tattooed eyeliner. 

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Long term care

If you are planning eye surgery or an MRI scan, please inform your doctor of your micro-pigmentation eyeliner.

Please inform the National Blood Service if you donate blood, as you may not be eligible to give blood for 4 months post-application.