Most of us dream of maintaining youthful, smooth, and firm skin, free from wrinkles and folds. But can this be achieved in a relatively short time? While aging is an inevitable and natural process, we can certainly lessen its impact. It’s important to remember that the aging process is influenced not only by genetics but also by external factors. A fast-paced lifestyle, bad diet, stress, smoking, tanning – it can all accelerate this process. This then accelerates the production of free radicals in our bodies, leading to a faster loss of skin’s firmness. However, there are ways to counteract these effects. Aesthetic treatments like polynucleotides can help mitigate these signs of aging.

What Are Polynucleotides?

A polynucleotide is a segment of RNA and DNA nucleic acids, naturally present in all living organisms. In aesthetics, polynucleotides are purified molecules that enhance skin elasticity and contribute to a healthy look. Due to their ability to bind water molecules, they ensure proper hydration of our skin. Additionally, polynucleotides promote the growth and increased activity of fibroblasts—cells that play a crucial role in the reconstruction of skin components. They also combat the production of free radicals in our bodies and inhibit the photoaging process of the skin. Furthermore, polynucleotides have a beneficial effect on scar treatment and aid in skin regeneration after intense sun exposure.

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Are there any Side Effects of Using Polynucleotides?

Clinical studies have shown that treatments with polynucleotides are remarkably safe, with no significant side effects. This high safety profile has made the procedure popular with our clients. The treatment gives very natural results.

Some mild side effects may happen post-treatment, but they are very rare. A slight discomfort, a warming sensation, or localised redness of the skin in the injection points. Some people may experience minor swelling, which typically resolves on its own within a few days.

Due to the safety of polynucleotides, there are just a few contraindications for the treatment:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • active herpes,
  • skin conditions in the treatment area.

Polynucleotides in Cosmetics.

Polynucleotides have become very popular in the field of cosmetology and aesthetics, due to their ability to offer safe and effective skin enhancements. More and more people are opting for non-invasive treatments to improve their looks, and polynucleotides provide a way to do so without the need for traditional filler treatments. It can be used to enhance the face, neck and décolletage. The primary function of polynucleotides in cosmetology is to regenerate damaged skin, helping to restore facial contours to their original state. Additionally, they help to reduce skin imperfections such as acne scars and trauma-related marks. It’s this ability to deeply improve skin health that has made polynucleotides a beloved option for people worldwide. Compared to fillers, treatments with polynucleotides are safer, with effects that can last for longer. They also don’t change the facial features like fillers do.

Can we use Polynucleotides Around the Eyes?

The area under the eyes often show our age first. By the age of 25, the skin around the eyes becomes thinner and less plump. As we age bags, dark circles, and the first signs of wrinkles and lines start to appear. Polynucleotides under the eyes can offer a range of benefits. They help to improve microcirculation and strengthen blood vessels, which reduces the look of dark circles. These treatment also delivers an impressive rejuvenating effect by stimulating collagen and elastin production, smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines.

In addition, polynucleotides have anti-swelling properties, making them effective in reducing visible puffiness around the eyes. As a result, the skin looks more refreshed and youthful. The transformation is often remarkable, especially considering the affordable cost relative to the outstanding results. The skin around the eyes becomes more even in tone, radiant, and healthier overall.

Given these benefits, it’s no surprise that polynucleotide treatments are increasingly popular among our clients at Beauty Bar. Whether administered to the skin on the face or under the eyes, polynucleotides deliver long-lasting and spectacular results.

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What body areas Can we treat with Polynucleotides?

Polynucleotide skin boosters are most commonly used to rejuvenate the skin on the face, around the eyes, including the upper and lower eyelids, and the neck or cleavage. The treatment involves gentle injections in the dermis. When injected under the eyes, they can give a well-rested, and brighter look. The skin on the eyelids regains its elasticity, and wrinkles are visibly reduced.

The skin around the eyes is much thinner than on any other parts of the body.. This means it has less collagen and elastin, making it one of the first areas to age. Polynucleotides improve blood circulation and vascularisation in this delicate area, reducing puffiness and eye bags. Typically, some noticeable improvement in the skin starts being visible after about 30 days from completing the treatment.

What Shall I Expect During the Treatment?

Polynucleotides are one of the newer treatments in aesthetics. We offer treatments for the face and eyes. They enhance skin condition by stimulating natural regeneration and repairing process.

Every treatment begins with a consultation. This allows us to assess clients skin condition, treatment goals and expectations. Also we can assess their health and suitability to the treatment.

We will remove makeup and sterilise the skin. If a client wants to opt for a numbing cream, we will apply it to the treatment area.

Using a thin needle, we will inject the product in the skin using an appropriate technique for the treated area.

Then we will cleanse the skin again and give you the aftercare instructions.


What Results Can be achieved with Polynucleotides?

Treatment delivers impressive and noticeable results. One of the primary benefits is a significant improvement in skin elasticity, as the treatment stimulates collagen and elastin production, enhancing skin firmness. Polynucleotides have anti-aging properties, helping to minimise fine lines and making the skin visibly smoother.

This treatment enhances skin hydration, leading to an overall improved and plumper skin. This is consistently confirmed by the positive feedback from our clients who have undergone this exceptional treatment at Beauty Bar in Hertfordshire.

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After Care Instructions

Some clients may experience mild redness and skin irritation following the injections, but these symptoms subside within hours to a few days. It’s important to look after your skin properly during this period and follow all post-treatment recommendations:

  • Keep the injection site clean and don’t touch it
    Avoiding wearing makeup for the first 24 hours after the procedure
    Avoid hot baths, swimming pools, saunas, and intense physical activity for about three days post-treatment
    Use only the skincare products recommended

You can resume your regular daily activities immediately after the treatment.