How to choose right shape of eyebrows for the mature age

Eyebrows play a very important role in our faces. Many women say that they did not realise the importance of properly shaped eyebrows, until seeing their face after having the semi-permanent eyebrows done.

They said after they had their brows done, only then they could see how big a role the eyebrows play, enhancing and lifting their faces, and because of that making them look younger and even slimmer.

Well-chosen eyebrows shape, width, length, colour and style to the type of client’s beauty, facial features, and age, can really take several years off!

makeup for mature women

On the other side, too dark and exaggerated eyebrows, also brows that are too close to each other – can make someone look older and a bit mannish.

Again, too high eyebrows will make someone look constantly (and unnaturally) surprised.
And the eyebrows set too close give the impression that their owner is… concerned, frowning, stern, and not a nice person 🙂

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