Anti Ageing Eye Treatments in Ware Hertfordshire

Welcome to Beauty Bar salon in Ware, Hertfordshire, where we offer advanced anti-aging treatments specifically designed for the delicate and demanding eye area.

At Beauty Bar, we understand the unique challenges that come with aging skin around the eyes. The area under the eyes is prone to fine lines, wrinkles, hooded eyelids, puffiness, and other visible signs of aging. That’s why we offer a range of treatments that are both scientifically proven to address these concerns effectively.

Our list of anti-aging treatments include skin boosters, chemical peels, micro-needling, antiwrinkle treatments, radiofrequency skin tightening, mesotherapy and dermal fillers. These treatments are scientifically proven to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles, and improve under-eye puffiness.

We prioritize not only the science behind our treatments but also the comfort and satisfaction of our clients. We will assess your unique needs and create a tailored treatment plan that aligns with your goals.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment and discover the results-oriented anti-aging treatments. Take the first step towards enhancing the youthfulness and radiance, and let us help you achieve your desired anti-aging goals.

under eye treatments ware

Anti Ageing Eye Treatments

Aging process of the eye area

The area around the eyes is particularly susceptible to visible signs of aging.

1. Delicate and thin skin: The skin in this area is thinner and more delicate compared to other areas of the face. It has fewer oil glands, reduced collagen and elastin fibers, and is prone to dryness and increased sensitivity.

2. Hooded eyelids: With age, the skin of the upper eyelids can lose elasticity and firmness, leading to hooded eyelids. Hooded eyelids appear as excess skin that causes a heavy, droopy appearance. This occurs due to a combination of factors such as a weakening of the levator muscle, decreased collagen and elastin production, and skin stretching over time.

3. Wrinkles and fine lines: The repetitive facial expressions, sun exposure, and a decrease in collagen and elastin production contribute to the development of wrinkles, crow’s feet, and fine lines around the eyes. The thinner skin makes them particularly prone to visible creases and folds.

4. Muscle herniation on the lower eyelid: Over time, the thin muscle responsible for supporting the lower eyelid (orbicularis oculi muscle) can weaken, leading to its herniation or protrusion. This can result in visible bulges or puffiness under the eyes, commonly known as muscle herniation or eyelid bags.

5. Fat pad herniation on the lower eyelid: The lower eyelid contains small pockets of fat that provide cushioning and support. With aging, these fat pads can become displaced or bulge, leading to lower eyelid bags or puffiness. This process is known as fat pad herniation.

6. Puffiness of the lower eyelids: Lower eyelid puffiness can be caused by factors such as fluid retention, lack of sleep, allergies, or underlying health conditions. It can also be exacerbated by weakened muscles or herniated fat pads in the lower eyelid area.

7. Dark circles and hollow lower eyelids: Dark circles and hollow under eye area can be caused by many factors. Thinning under-eye skin. The delicate skin here is already thinner than in other areas of the face, but with age, further thinning occurs. This can make the blood vessels under the skin more visible, leading to a darker appearance.

Loss of fat and volume. The natural aging process involves a loss of fat and volume in the face, including the under-eye area. This loss of volume can cause hollows or depressions, leading to a sunken or hollow appearance.

Collagen and elastin degradation. Collagen and elastin, proteins responsible for the skin’s firmness and elasticity, naturally degrade as we age. This breakdown can lead to a loss of support and sagging in the under-eye area, contributing to the appearance of dark circles and hollowing.

Genetics and hereditary factors. Certain people may be genetically predisposed to having thinner under-eye skin or a predisposition to developing dark circles. Family history and hereditary factors can play a role in the development of these features.

Lifestyle factors. Poor lifestyle habits such as lack of sleep, tanning, smoking, and a lack of proper skin care can exacerbate the appearance of dark circles and hollowness in the under-eye area.

Aging process of the eye area is complex and can be influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Considering the specific concerns and needs, we can provide personalised recommendations and treatments.

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under eye anti age treatment hertfordshire

Hooded upper eyelids – causes and treatments

Hooded upper eyelids can be a common concern as we age, and understanding the underlying aging process is key to addressing it effectively.

Loss of skin elasticity: As we get older, the skin naturally undergoes a decrease in collagen and elastin production. These proteins provide strength and elasticity to the skin. With diminished levels, the skin around the eyes can become more lax and prone to sagging.

Weakening of the levator muscle: The levator muscle is responsible for lifting the upper eyelid. Over time, this muscle may weaken, leading to a lack of upward support for the eyelid. This weakening can cause the upper eyelid to appear hooded or droopy.

Non-invasive treatment solutions:

Radiofrequency (RF) treatments: RF technology uses controlled heat to stimulate collagen remodeling and skin tightening. When applied to the upper eyelid area, RF treatments can improve loose skin and reduce the appearance of hooded eyelids.

Ultrasound therapy: Ultrasound devices use sonophoresis to “push” active ingredients in the skin and stimulate collagen production to improve skin firmness. Non-invasively targeting the deep layers of the skin, it can help lift and tighten the upper eyelids.

Fractional RF: Fractional radiofrequency (RF microneedling) treatments can improve skin texture, stimulate collagen synthesis, and tighten the skin. These treatments work by creating controlled micro-injuries in the skin, triggering a regenerative response and promoting skin tightening.

Effectiveness of non-invasive treatments:

Non-invasive treatments for hooded upper eyelids can provide some improvements. However, the effectiveness may vary depending on individual factors such as the severity of hooding, skin condition, age, lifestyle and the specific treatment chosen.

In certain cases, such as severe sagging of the upper eyelids, older age where not enough collagen is produced in the skin, non-invasive treatments may not provide the desired level of improvement. In these instances, a surgical procedure known as upper eyelid blepharoplasty will achieve more significant and long-lasting results:

Upper lid blepharoplasty: Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess skin, muscle, and pockets of fat from the upper eyelids. It is typically performed under local anesthesia.

Comparing non-invasive treatments to surgical blepharoplasty: While non-invasive treatments can provide some improvement for mild to moderate hooded upper eyelids, it’s important to understand that the level of improvement achieved through non-invasive methods will not be comparable to the results obtained from surgical blepharoplasty. Non-invasive treatments primarily focus on tightening and stimulating collagen production, but they have limitations when it comes to addressing significant skin laxity or excessive tissue.

Surgical blepharoplasty is a more invasive but directly eliminates excess skin and repositions or removes fat deposits. This can address substantial hooding, resulting in a more pronounced and dramatic transformation of the upper eyelids.

Preventative measures and slowing down the process:

Skincare: Consistently practicing a good skincare routine can help maintain skin health and slow down the aging process. This includes using gentle cleansers, moisturising the eye area, and applying sunscreen. Skincare routine should be practiced from early 20’s and adjusted as we get older, to use appropriate ingredients.

Sun protection: Minimising tanning and using broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF and sunglasses, can help prevent photodamage, which can speed up the aging of the skin around the eyes.

Avoiding pollutants and irritants: Environmental pollutants and irritants can contribute to collagen degradation and accelerate the aging process. Taking steps to minimise exposure, such as avoiding smoking, alcohol consumption and limiting exposure to harsh chemicals, can be beneficial.

Proper nutrition and hydration: A well-balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can support skin health. Staying hydrated is also essential for maintaining skin elasticity and preventing dryness.

While these preventative measures may not completely stop the natural aging process, they can help slow it down and promote overall skin health.

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under eye buntingford

Wrinkles around the eye area – causes and treatments

Dynamic wrinkles around the eyes, often referred to as “crow’s feet,” are caused by repeated facial expressions and the natural aging process.

Facial muscle contractions: Dynamic wrinkles result from repetitive muscle contractions and movements that occur during facial expressions, such as smiling or squinting. Over time, these movements create creases in the skin, particularly around the eyes where the skin is thinner and more susceptible to wrinkling.

Loss of collagen and elastin: As part of the natural aging process, collagen and elastin production diminishes. These proteins provide structural support and elasticity to the skin. Reduced levels of collagen and elastin lead to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

Non-invasive treatment solutions:

Antiwrinkle treatment: Toxin injections work by temporarily relaxing the facial muscles responsible for dynamic wrinkles. By blocking the nerve signals that trigger muscle contractions, antiwrinkle treatment can reduce the appearance of crow’s feet and prevent their further development. The effects typically last for several months (3-4) before retreatment is needed.

Dermal fillers: Hyaluronic acid-based fillers and blanching technique may sometimes be used to fill in some wrinkles around the eyes, restoring volume and minimising their appearance. These fillers provide immediate results and can last for several months to a year, depending on the specific product and skin condition.

Skin boosters: Skin boosters boost collagen production in the skin, moisturising and thickening the skin, which prevents formation of the wrinkles.

Effectiveness of non-invasive treatments:

Antiwrinkle treatments are highly effective in reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles around the eyes. Clinical studies have demonstrated their efficacy and safety, making them one of the most widely performed non-invasive treatments for wrinkle reduction. Dermal fillers can also provide significant improvements, especially for wrinkles that are static.

Preventative measures and slowing down the process:

Skincare routine: A consistent skincare routine that includes daily cleansing, moisturising, and sun protection is essential. Using products containing antioxidants, vitamins (like vitamin C and retinol), and peptides can help support skin health and reduce the formation of wrinkles (that needs to be implemented from younger years as a preventative measure).

Sun protection: UV radiation from the sun accelerates skin aging, leading to the formation of wrinkles. Regular use of broad-spectrum sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and using sunglasses can help minimize sun damage and reduce wrinkle formation.

Avoiding smoking and pollutants: Smoking and exposure to environmental pollutants can contribute to skin damage and premature aging. Avoiding these factors can help maintain skin health and slow down the process of developing wrinkles.

Preventative antiwrinkle treatments: In some cases, a preventative antiwrinkle treatment may be employed. This involves using antiwrinkle treatment at a younger age (eg from the age of 30) to prevent dynamic wrinkles from becoming more prominent or deepening over time.

Moisturising with mesotherapy and skin boosters: Hydrated skin appears more elastic and supple. Moisturising treatments like mesotherapy and skin boosters, using hyaluronic acid and other beneficial ingredients, can improve skin hydration and indirectly help prevent the formation of wrinkles.

While these preventive measures can help slow down the process of wrinkle formation, individual people may have varying results.

Dark circles and hollowness in the under-eye area. What causes it and available treatments

Dark circles and hollowness in the under-eye area can be caused by multiple factors, including genetics, aging, lifestyle, and under-eye skin characteristics.

Thin under-eye skin: The skin under the eyes is significantly thinner compared to other areas of the face, and its transparency can contribute to the appearance of dark circles due to the underlying blood vessels and structures being more visible. Thin under-eye skin can also lead to a hollow or sunken appearance.

Pigmentation and blood vessels: Increased pigmentation or dilation of blood vessels in the under-eye area can cause dark circles to become more prominent. These can be influenced by factors such as genetics, allergies, lack of sleep, and sun exposure.

Non-invasive treatment solutions:

Tear trough filler: Tear trough filler can be used to address hollowness in the under-eye area. These fillers are injected along the tear trough, filling in the hollow area and lifting the skin to reduce the appearance of hollowness and smooth out the area. If you are considering this treatment, please contact us to determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment.

Mesotherapy and skin boosters: Mesotherapy involves microinjections of customized mixtures of vitamins, minerals, and hyaluronic acid directly into the skin. Skin boosters, which may also contain hyaluronic acid, can provide hydration and improve skin quality. Both treatments can help thicken and brighten the skin, reducing the appearance of dark circles and improving overall under-eye texture.

Effectiveness of non-invasive treatments:

Tear trough fillers, mesotherapy, and skin boosters have shown very good results in improving the appearance of dark circles and hollowness in the under-eye area. These treatments work by restoring lost volume, improving skin hydration, and enhancing the quality of the skin. However, the effectiveness can vary depending on factors such as individual skin characteristics and underlying causes of dark circles.

Preventative measures and slowing down the process:

Skincare routine: Following a comprehensive skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturising, and targeted eye creams can help maintain the health of the under-eye skin. Ingredients such as retinol, vitamin C, and peptides can improve skin texture and promote collagen production.

Sun protection: Minimising sun exposure and using broad-spectrum sunscreen can help prevent the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers in the under-eye area.

Avoiding smoking, alcohol, and pollutants: Smoking and exposure to pollutants can accelerate the aging process and lead to skin damage, including thinning of the under-eye area. Avoiding it can help preserve skin health and prevent premature thinning and darkening of the under-eye skin. Alcohol dehydrates the skin.

Preventative treatments: Proactively getting treatments like mesotherapy and skin boosters can help maintain skin thickness and quality, slowing down the process of under-eye skin thinning and darkening.

While these preventative measures can help slow down the thinning and darkening of under-eye skin, it’s important to remember that individual responses may vary. We recommend a regular yearly course of skin treatments from the age of 30, this boosts the collagen and effectively slows down the aging process.

under eye hatfield
under eye potters bar

Under eye puffiness and eye bags, what causes them and what treatments are available

Puffy under-eye areas and swollen lower eyelids can have various causes.

Fluid retention: The accumulation of fluid in the tissues around the eyes can cause puffiness and swelling. Factors such as genetics, allergies, hormonal changes, high salt intake, or inadequate lymphatic drainage can contribute to fluid retention.

Fat pad prolapse: With age, the fat pads that normally support the lower eyelids can shift or protrude, resulting in lower eyelid bags or puffiness.

Skincare and lifestyle factors: Lack of sleep, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, poor diet, and dehydration can worsen under-eye puffiness.

Non-invasive treatment solutions:

Eye creams and serums: Topical products formulated specifically for the delicate eye area can help reduce puffiness and improve the appearance of swollen lower eyelids. Ingredients such as caffeine, antioxidants, and peptides can promote skin tightening and improve the circulation of fluids.

Cold compress: Applying a cold compress, such as chilled spoons or refrigerated tea bags, can help constrict blood vessels and temporarily reduce puffiness.

Lymphatic massage: Gentle massages around the eyes can help promote lymphatic drainage and reduce under-eye puffiness. This technique involves applying light pressure and using circular motions to stimulate lymphatic flow.

Mesotherapy: Mesotherapy treatments involve the microinjection of customised mixtures of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial ingredients into the under-eye area. These specialised cocktails can help improve lymphatic drainage, promote circulation, and reduce under-eye puffiness. Ingredients like vitamin C and other antioxidants may be used to brighten the skin and reduce inflammation.

Ultrasound treatment (Sonophoresis): Ultrasound technology can be used to enhance the effectiveness of topical treatments. It works by creating ultrasonic waves that gently penetrate the skin’s layers, allowing for better absorption of active ingredients. Using this technology, brightening serums or products containing ingredients like vitamin C can be more efficiently delivered to the under-eye area, helping to reduce puffiness and improving skin complexion.

Draining products: Certain products designed specifically for under-eye puffiness may contain ingredients that help decongest the area and reduce fluid retention. These products often have draining properties and may contain plant extracts or natural ingredients known for their anti-inflammatory and fluid-reducing effects.

Effectiveness of non-invasive treatments:

Non-invasive treatments can provide temporary improvement in under-eye puffiness and swollen lower eyelids, but their effectiveness may vary depending on the underlying cause and individual factors.

Mesotherapy and the use of draining products can provide noticeable improvements in reducing under-eye puffiness. These treatments work by promoting lymphatic drainage, improving circulation, and reducing fluid retention. While the effectiveness may vary depending on individual factors and the specific treatment protocol, they can help alleviate under-eye puffiness and improve the overall appearance of the under-eye area.

Ultrasound treatment (Sonophoresis) can enhance the penetration and absorption of brightening and draining products, potentially improving their effectiveness in reducing under-eye puffiness. By increasing the delivery of active ingredients, ultrasound treatment can enhance the benefits of these products when used in conjunction with other non-invasive treatments.

Preventative measures and slowing down the process:

Skincare routine: Implementing a comprehensive skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturising, and the use of eye creams can help maintain skin health and improve the appearance of the under-eye area.

Sun protection: Minimising sun exposure and using broad-spectrum sunscreen can help prevent collagen degradation and skin damage that can contribute to under-eye puffiness and swelling.

Adequate sleep and healthy lifestyle: Getting enough sleep, managing stress, maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can promote overall skin health and minimise under-eye puffiness.

Preventative aesthetic treatments: Proactively using treatments like mesotherapy, skin boosters, or RF needling can help maintain skin hydration and overall skin quality, preventing or slowing down the process of under-eye puffiness.

These treatments can be used proactively to prevent or address early signs of swelling and fluid retention around the eyes.

While preventative measures can assist in slowing down the process and reducing under-eye puffiness, it’s important to consult with a doctor to exclude any underlying health conditions, for personalised advice and recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

Herniated muscle on the lower eyelid – causes and treatments

The herniation of muscle on the lower eyelid, also known as muscle herniation or eyelid bags, can occur because of the aging process.

Weakening of the supporting structures: With age, the structures supporting the lower eyelid, including the muscles and connective tissues, can gradually weaken. This weakening can lead to a protrusion or bulging of the muscles, causing eyelid bags or puffiness.

Loss of skin elasticity: As we age, the skin loses its natural elasticity due to a decrease in collagen and elastin production. This reduced elasticity combined with weakened lower eyelid support can contribute to the appearance of herniated muscle and the formation of eyelid bags.

Non-invasive treatment solutions:

Radiofrequency (RF) treatments: RF technology can be used to target the lower eyelid area non-invasively. By delivering controlled heat energy to the targeted tissues, RF treatments can stimulate collagen production, tighten the skin, and improve the appearance of eyelid bags. RF needling is even more effective as it combines two treatments, radiofrequency and microneedling in one.

Effectiveness of non-invasive treatments:

Non-invasive treatments can provide some improvements on the skin, but the effectiveness may vary depending on the severity and underlying cause of muscle herniation. RF treatments can help tighten the skin to a degree and stimulate collagen production, leading to improved skin texture and reduced appearance of eyelid bags, but they are not able to provide any solution to the muscle. This can only be resolved by blepharoplasty surgery.

Preventative measures and slowing down the process:

Skincare routine: Implementing a correct skincare routine that includes cleansing, regular moisturising, and targeted eye creams can help maintain skin elasticity and hydration.

Sun protection: Minimising sun exposure and using broad-spectrum sunscreen on a daily basis can help protect the delicate skin around the eyes from harmful UVA and UVB rays, preventing premature aging and the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers.

Avoiding smoking and pollutants: Smoking and exposure to environmental pollutants can accelerate the aging process and lead to skin damage. Avoiding smoking and limiting exposure to pollutants can help preserve skin health.

Proper nutrition and hydration: Consuming a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can support overall skin health. Staying properly hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water can help maintain skin elasticity and prevent dryness.

While these preventative measures may not completely stop the natural aging process, they can help slow it down and promote overall skin health.

under eye hoddesdon
under eye cheshunt

Under eye fat pad herniation, its causes and available treatments

The herniation of fat pads on the lower eyelid, also known as lower eyelid fat pad prolapse, can occur as a result of the aging process.

Fat redistribution and weakening connective tissue: As we age, the fat pads that normally provide cushioning and support to the lower eyelid may shift or protrude due to changes in the supporting structures. The connective tissues may weaken, allowing the fat pads to herniate or bulge.

Loss of skin elasticity: With aging, the skin loses its natural elasticity due to a decrease in collagen and elastin production. This reduced elasticity, combined with weakened support structures, can contribute to the appearance of herniated fat pads and the formation of lower eyelid bags.

Non-invasive treatment solutions:

Radiofrequency (RF) treatments: RF technology can be used to address herniated fat pads non-invasively. By delivering controlled heat energy to the targeted tissues, RF treatments can stimulate collagen production, tighten the skin, and improve the appearance of lower eyelid bags. Even better skin tightening results van be achieved with RF microneedling. It will help with the appearance by tightening the skin, although it is not able to correct the fat pad, which is only possible with the surgery.

Effectiveness of non-invasive treatments:

Non-invasive treatments can provide improvements, but their effectiveness may vary depending on the severity and underlying cause of herniated fat pads. RF needling treatments can help tighten the skin and stimulate collagen production, leading to improved skin texture and reduced appearance of lower eyelid bags.

Preventative measures and slowing down the process:

Skincare routine: Consistently following a comprehensive skincare routine that includes cleansers, moisturisers, and targeted eye creams can help maintain skin elasticity and hydration.

Sun protection: Minimising sun exposure and using broad-spectrum sunscreen on a daily basis can help protect the delicate skin around the eyes from harmful UVA and UVB rays, preventing premature aging and the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers. Wearing sunglasses and broad-brimmed hats can also provide additional protection from the sun’s rays.

Avoiding smoking, drinking and pollutants: Smoking and exposure to environmental pollutants can accelerate the aging process and contribute to skin damage. Quitting smoking and minimising exposure to pollutants can help preserve skin health and slow down the development of lower eyelid sagging.

Proper nutrition and hydration: Consuming a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can support overall skin health. Staying properly hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water can help maintain skin elasticity and prevent dryness.

These preventative measures won’t completely stop the natural aging process, but they will help slow down the development of skin damage on the lower eyelid and promote overall skin health.

Mesotherapy and skin boosters for the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is extremely thin and delicate – much thinner than the skin in the rest of the face. In addition, the thickness of the fatty tissue in that area is reduced, as well as the number of sebaceous glands, causing faster dehydration, and thus wrinkles in this area at younger age.

The delicate and thin skin around the eyes requires special attention to address concerns such as moisture depletion and collagen loss.

Mesotherapy and skin boosters are two scientifically backed treatments that can effectively moisturise and boost collagen in this area.

These treatments have the ability to revitalise, densify and repair the skin around the eyes.

They deliver healing, nourishing and regenerating products directly to the skin layers. Products for mesotherapy/boosters have many different composition – starting from hyaluronic acid, through numerous vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and ending with biomimetic peptides.

Depending on the problem, we use various types of products that are tailored to your needs.

Mesotherapy: Mesotherapy uses microinjections to deliver a customised mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and hyaluronic acid directly into the skin. It can also be used around the eyes.

Products dedicated to the skin around the eyes contain vitamin C, ruscus, blueberry, rosemary, they can intensely brighten the skin.

Mesotherapy apart from anti aging prevention offers targeted solution to specific problems (brightening, puffiness etc).

It is recommended to do a course of 3-4 treatments minimum, and then regularly every 3-6 months a maintenance session, to keep maintaining a healthy, moisturised, nourished and youthful skin around the eyes.

Moisturising: Hyaluronic acid, a key component in many mesotherapy solutions, attracts and retains water, helping to boost hydration. This increased moisture content can replenish the skin’s natural barrier function and enhance its ability to retain hydration.

Collagen stimulation: Some mesotherapy products also include ingredients such as peptides or growth factors. They can stimulate collagen production in the skin, promoting increased structural support, improved elasticity, and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Skin boosters: Skin boosters involve the injection of mainly hyaluronic acid, aminoacids, or polinucleotides into the skin, with a particular focus on providing deep hydration and stimulating collagen synthesis. When used in the eye area, skin boosters offer great benefits:

Hydration: The hyaluronic acid in skin boosters have the ability to capture and retain water, resulting in improved moisture levels in the thin and delicate skin surrounding the eyes. This hydration helps to plump and smooth out fine lines and wrinkly skin.

Collagen and elastin boost: Hyaluronic acid also acts as a bio-revitalising agent, promoting the production of collagen and elastin fibers. This increased collagen and elastin production can contribute to improved skin firmness, elasticity, and overall rejuvenation.

Enhanced nutrient delivery: Skin boosters can also deliver essential nutrients and growth factors to the treated area, supporting the skin’s natural regenerative processes and promoting optimal skin health.

Skin thickening: Polynucleotide-based skin boosters result in the gradual skin thickening. Over time skin becomes denser, and plumper.

Both mesotherapy and skin boosters offer targeted and precise treatments for the skin around the eyes, providing deep hydration and stimulating collagen synthesis. These scientifically proven techniques can help moisturise the skin, improve its texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines, and contribute to a more youthful and revitalised appearance.

Skin boosters are usually more powerful than mesotherapy cocktails when it comes to anti aging and recommended for older clients or those with the existing skin damage like wrinkles.

Contact us to determine the most suitable treatment approach considering your individual skin condition and concerns. We can design a personalised treatment plan using mesotherapy or skin boosters to effectively address your unique needs and to ensure optimal results.

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Preventative anti-ageing treatments for under eye area

Regular treatments with skin boosters, RF needling, and other treatments that stimulate collagen, when initiated at a younger age, can help slow down and prevent the development of skin damage at a later age. Preventative treatments are indeed important.

Regular treatments such as skin boosters, RF needling, chemical peels etc. when initiated from a younger age (around 30-35 years), may play a role in boosting collagen production within the skin. By stimulating collagen and improving skin elasticity, these treatments can help slow down or even prevent the development of skin damage around the eye area. Using preventative treatments to maintain skin health and address early signs of aging can be an effective strategy. However, please always remember that individual responses may vary, and the efficacy of these treatments in preventing skin aging is subject to multiple factors, including genetics and lifestyle.

We can provide personalised advice and recommend the most appropriate preventative treatments based on your unique circumstances.

Beginning preventative treatments at a younger age, combined with a skincare routine and healthy lifestyle, may serve as proactive measures to promote long-term skin health, and mitigate skin damage and aging.

Anti Ageing Eye Treatments


Contact us and take your first step by booking your anti ageing eye treatment appointment.