What is the difference between Semi permanent makeup and Permanent Make up 2

What is the difference between Semi-permanent makeup and Permanent Make-up?

Permanent cosmetics are chosen by many people, semi-permanent makeup is very common these days and more people decide to have it done. Semi-permanent makeup is also more popular and available than in recent years.

Is there a difference between semi-permanent makeup and permanent makeup?

In my opinion, the difference is just in the name. Permanent makeup is a tattoo, and it involves the placement of pigment in the dermal layer of the skin.

permanent makeup hertfordshire

Semi-permanent makeup doesn’t penetrate the skin as deep as the body tattoo does. Skin on  the body is thicker than the facial skin.

There are a few reasons for permanent makeup being deposited not as deep. Mostly because, if the pigment would be implanted too deep, the colour of the pigment may change over time and it becomes ashy. This is not a different technique and it doesn’t make the treatment permanent, this is usually a mistake and often done by the permanent makeup technician, who is maybe not as advanced or without much experience. The too deeply inserted pigment will not look light and soft, it looks blunt and heavy, and may cause pigment migration. We need to take into consideration the thickness of the skin, if you think of it, the skin on your hands or legs is thicker than the skin on your forehead or your eyelids. So much thinner skin requires more shallow application.

Some people say that permanent make-up lasts longer compared to semi-permanent makeup

Well, how long permanent makeup lasts mostly depends on the technique used, eg. powder, hair-stroke, etc but very often the skin type (oily, combination, dry) plays a huge role here. Plus some other factors like your lifestyle (if you exercise a lot you may have faster metabolism, and your body will remove “foreign matter” from sooner and faster), your health conditions and the medication you take (that includes herbs, and supplements).
All these things play a role in how well your skin retains pigment.


semi permanent makeup hertfordshire


Certain techniques may be fading much quicker than others, for example, microblading. Microblading will disappear from your skin in about 6months up to a year. But then also machine brows will fade in about 2-5 years, so neither of these techniques is permanent.

Just to give you an example – a 55-year-old woman with dry and thin skin will get her brows tattooed with either machine or microblade, and I’m sure she’ll be enjoying her brows for a very, very long time. I can say that her brows will most definitely last longer than 2-5 years due to her skin type, she may also be not so active due to her age and already have a slower metabolism anyway.


We work very gently, and there is no bleeding or swelling during the treatment. We use the correct depth of work and light pressure to achieve airy and soft results.  Of course, there may be some rare exceptions, as some clients may not know of certain conditions they have and  some have sun damaged skin etc.

cosmetic tattoo hertfordshire

You have probably asked yourself at least once before “is semi-permanent makeup for me?”

Permanent makeup is a very safe treatment. Research your permanent makeup technician, make sure they work with disposable and sterile tools. There is a very minimal risk factor. At Beauty Bar in Ware Hertfordshire we only use single-use fully disposable equipment and sterilize and sanitise the work area between each client.
When it comes to a client’s look, that very much depends on your desired outcome and what would you like to achieve, your skin type, skin condition and facial features.
We can help you to make a decision, and guide you on choosing the appropriate technique for your skin.  We can help you choose the right shape and style of the semi permanent makeup, that will look nice, natural, and flattering on your face. We always take into consideration our clients’ social life, their facial features, lifestyle, and the fact that they will age together with this enhancement. We want you to look in the mirror in 5 years’ time and be as happy with your semi-permanent make as you are on the day you had it done.

If you have any questions about choosing the permanent make-up, please visit our website.

In summary, the term semi-permanent and permanent makeup essentially refer to the same cosmetic procedure. It differentiates mainly by terminology and expectations. While the permanent makeup doesn’t last the lifetime, it offers long lasting results, typically 2-5 years, gradually fading over time. Understanding this distinction helps in setting realistic expectations and making informed decisions about enhancing your natural beauty. Whether you call it semi permanent or permanent , the key is to choose a skilled technician who can deliver the desired look with precision and safety.

Different techniques of semi permanent eyebrow tattoo and what to choose 3

Different techniques of semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo and what to choose

Different techniques of permanent eyebrow tattoo in Ware Hertfordshire

Permanent eyebrow makeup can be done by using different tools and different techniques. Some clients may be sometimes overwhelmed, not knowing what style to choose or what kind of brows would suit them and be appropriate for their skin type.

When we hear semi-permanent makeup or eyebrow tattoo and think of how they were performed 20 years ago, we get slightly afraid. Blunt shapes, block and strong lines, square brow fronts – this is what a lot of people see when they hear permanent makeup or permanent brows. You can still see plenty of these brows “walking around”. Yes, we all have seen someone who had “permanent marker” brows.

But the world of semi-permanent make-up has evolved greatly, very dark, blue and blunt marker-type brows are left in the past. At Beauty Bar in Ware Hertfordshire we create nice, soft and delicate, very natural-looking permanent makeup, that is almost undetectable once healed.

permanent eyebrows right after treatment

How do you know what technique is good for you, or which style? There are so many to choose from

We focus on the three most popular permanent eyebrow makeup techniques, each of these styles look very natural. The most popular, which is also our favourite – is the soft powder technique, then hair stroke method or otherwise known as the digital microblading, and for those who like a little stronger makeup effect – ombre brow technique.

Hair strokes or digital microblading – this method of permanent eyebrow makeup is not for everyone. It is only suitable for those with normal or dry skin types, oily or combination skin isn’t suitable for this technique. In oily and combination skin – strokes will blur when healed and no longer resemble the real hairs. They look wishy washy and thicker, and eventually the strokes will blend into each other.
We always advise during the consultation that clients with combination or oily skin to opt for a different type of eyebrows, as they won’t achieve nice results from hairstrokes. Digital microblading (machine method) when compared to classic microblading (manual technique) lasts longer. If it’s done on the appropriate skin type (normal or dry), it will last 2-5 years, compared to the classic microblading that only lasts approximately 6-12months.
This method gives the look of natural hair strokes, or how some call it the brush strokes. This technique will look most natural when created on clients with existing brow hairs that are quite fine. It can be nicely blended in together. If a client doesn’t have any own brow hairs, we suggest combining this technique with powder shading, as the soft powder can add the subtle “shadow” that is usually cast by the natural hairs, giving it the 3d look. If you think of it, the added shadow tattoo will make the brows look more realistic. The combination technique is still not available for oily or combination skin.

The way we create hair strokes at Beauty Bar Ware Hertfordshire are very natural, each hair is of different length, flows and fits in with the natural hairs. If you are looking for blunt and square, uniformed brows that look unnatural, then I’m afraid we would not be able to meet your expectations.

semi permanent eyebrow hair strokes

Hair stroke eyebrow tattoo

Powder method – I must say it is the most popular type of semi-permanent eyebrows. Beautifully natural, this is suitable for most skin types, even oily skin. This method can create such natural and delicate brows that everyone will just keep guessing if these are naturally yours or not. The density of powder can be as soft or as strong as you wish, depending on your expectations, your hair density and colour. The fronts of the brows can be slanted, rounded, or gradually fading, to create a softer and more natural look. Powder brows also last between 2-5 years.

We are often asked by blonde clients if we can give them natural-looking blonde brows. Of course, we mix the colour of the pigment individually for each client, the colour perfectly matches the colour of their hairs. That applies to every technique of eyebrows regardless.

Ombre semi-permanent makeup – this technique gives the look of make-up; the brows are gradually softer at the front of the brow and then get stronger and sharper as it gets to the body and tail of the brows. We recommend this technique to younger clients or those who wear full makeup on daily basis. The colour again is perfectly matched to the client’s natural hair for a perfect blend, and this technique also lasts 2-5 years. This method is suitable for all skin types.

eyebrow tattoo ombre

permanent ombre eyebrows

Semi-permanent makeup and conventional makeup will have one main difference. Where with the normal makeup you can choose any colour, even very dark, we would never pick pigment colour that is too dark for your eyebrow hair or skin tone, This pigment would very quickly turn ashy after healing. You have probably seen someone with bluish-looking brows, this can happen when pigment is implanted too deep, or the colour is too dark for a client’s tones.

Every new set of brows will look darker and bolder for the first couple of days, as the pigment oxidizes. This is completely normal, and there is nothing to worry about. The colour will start to lighten as the brows are healing, and the final result will be seen at 4-6 weeks after the procedure. At Beauty Bar in Ware Hertfordshire we work very light and gentle without using too much pressure or causing bleeding. Because of this we cause no scabbing at all during the healing process. Your eyebrows will only gently flake off.

We offer semi-permanent makeup consultations in our Beauty Salon. During the consultation, we will be happy to advise you what type of skin you have, and what would be the best eyebrow technique for you. If you’d like more information on eyebrow semi-permanent makeup please click here.

Aftercare For Lip Fillers 1

Aftercare For Lip Fillers

Lip filler aftercare

Essential tips for the best results.

So, you just got a new lip filler 😊Your new lips look bigger and juicier, they have more colour and improved shape, but what next? How to care after your beautiful lips when you go home?

First of all, you need to remember that lips with fresh filler are swollen, irritated, and could be also bruised.

There are some things you need to know if you’d like to enjoy a beautiful and healthy pout.

You need to start looking after your lips even before your planned lip procedure.

If you ever had cold sores, you need to try to minimise the risk of outbreak before your appointment. You should contact your doctor or pharmacist and start taking the medication before your appointment. They will inform you what medication and dosage you may need to minimise the outbreak of cold sores.

Right after your lip augmentation appointment, you may feel a little bruised, especially when the anesthetic will start wearing off. This is perfectly normal.

The procedure involves quite a few injections, and because of that, you should avoid touching your lips for around 4 hours. That will minimise the risk of developing infections (the needle will leave tiny punctures in your skin, and in the first 4 hours touching your lips with non-sterile objects may increase the risk of infections).

Your lips will be swollen, some people swell up more than others.
The swelling may last up to a couple of weeks.
You can help to reduce it by applying a cold compress.

What to eat and drink right after getting your lip fillers?
Never drink through a straw – that may be quite uncomfortable and may also move the fresh filler around.
Also, don’t eat hot food to avoid irritation.

Do not kiss! This can make the filler go ‘’lumpy’’. The same applies to drinking through a straw and pouting.

lip filler aftercare cambridge

How to moisturise your lips after lip augmentation?

Some creams work very well, they are soothing to irritated skin and provide adequate hydration.

We recommend creams like Avène Cicalfate +, La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5, and creams containing allantoin.

Try to use the moisturiser quite frequently to keep your lips moist, especially in the first few days after your treatment. Hyaluronic acid in the lip filler will also keep them moisturised, so make sure that you drink plenty of water. The more water you drink the better hydrated your lips will be.

lip filler aftercare hertfordshire

What to do in case of bruising?

Bruising is normal, it can happen with all injectable treatments.

If you will get a bruise or two, we recommend using arnica cream or gel.

Any arnica cream will be ok to use, there are many brands available, they are equally effective in the treatment of bruises. You can pick it up in your local pharmacy, at Boots or any supermarket for a couple of pounds.

Use it twice a day, morning and evening until bruises disappear.

If bruising concerns you, on the next day after your appointment, you can start using your lipstick or lip gloss, which can help cover up bruises if they happen.

As you can see, the aftercare is not very difficult or involves a lot of different procedures to follow.

I hope this post will help you to look after your beautiful new lips 😊

If you are still looking for a lip filler specialist in Hertfordshire, who can do beautiful and natural-looking lip filler please visit our main page.



Dry brushing – effective way to firmer and tighter skin

Dry Brushing – Effective way to Firmer and Tighter Skin

Dry brushing – a very effective way to reduce stretch marks and tone up your skin.

It improves blood circulation, reduces cellulite, and helps to prevent stretch marks – dry brushing is a procedure that should be included in your daily ritual.

What is dry brushing?

This treatment is nothing else but a natural massage using a brush with quite firm and natural bristles. It is an extremely effective, affordable, and easy-to-perform treatment that you can be done in the comfort of your bathroom. It will feel like a SPA ritual in your own home!

Dry brushing – effective way to firmer and tighter skin

What are the benefits of dry brushing your body?

We guarantee that your skin will love dry brushing.

Improving the look of stretch marks:

Dry brushing your body is a fantastic way to naturally tone up your skin. As a result, the skin becomes firmer and less prone to stretch marks.

Stimulating blood circulation:

The better you brush, the more blood circulates through your body – that is including your skin. Blood carries more oxygen and valuable nutrients to the skin surface, strengthening its structure and preventing the formation of stretch marks.

Smoothing the skin:

The dry brushing works as a natural peeling. It allows you to effectively remove dead and calloused skin. It is also a fantastic way to get rid of cellulite. After dry brushing skin becomes more glowy, radiant, and very smooth.

Detoxifying your skin:

Massaging your skin with a brush stimulates the lymphatic system. This is so important because the lymphatic system is responsible for the removal of unnecessary metabolic products and supports effective body detox.

Preparing your skin for cosmetics:

After dry brushing skin absorbs the beneficial substances included in cosmetic products better and more effectively. Cosmetics can penetrate the skin deeper and work more effectively.

How to do dry brushing correctly?

It shouldn’t take you longer than 10 mins. Dry brushing can be performed in a bathtub or shower.

1st step

Start brushing with your feet. Brush with long sweeping movements from your toes towards the heel and then towards the ankle. Use the pressure that is comfortable for you and the sensitivity of the skin. If it tickles, try a bit more pressure and push the brush stronger against your skin.

2nd step

Start brushing your legs with long, gliding strokes towards your heart. This will help to improve lymphatic drainage.

3rd step

When you finished with your legs you can move onto your stomach. You can use gentle, circular movements in a clockwise direction.

4th step

You can reduce the pressure there. Brush your breast area in circular strokes, be gentle and avoid the sensitive nipple area.

5th step

To massage your back, you will need a brush with a longer handle. Use long upwards strokes and brush from your bum to the back and neck area.

6th step

Now you can brush your hands. Brush them with long, gliding movements from your fingers towards your shoulders.

7th step

Your skin is cleansed and ready for the next stage of treatment. You can now use any cosmetics to help you strengthen the effects of this treatment. If your biggest concern is cellulite, use anti-cellulite cream, or if stretch marks – the anti-stretch marks cream. You can also use any body-firming, anti-aging, or slimming products, because of dry brushing, these creams will be absorbed better and more beneficial than when used on their own.

You can also finish the treatment off with the application of breast firming cream 😊

For best results, do the dry brushing treatment every day – in the morning for a natural boost of energy.

Right Body Brushing BrushHow to choose the right body brushing brush?

Choosing the right massage brush is very important. Treatment effectiveness and your comfort depend on it. Brushes made with natural bristles are best. We also recommend those with a wooden handle and a strap for easy handling. The natural fiber made from agave is great for dry brushing too.

Unwind and relax

Dry brushing for your body not only improves skin appearance but also improves your well-being! It is a fantastic way to relax and unwind. Consider these few minutes a day just for yourself, where you can focus on your needs and give your body so needed love.

There are some other treatments available that could help your body to get leaner and your skin firmer.

If your body needs that extra boost and dry brushing itself is not enough, please check our aesthetic treatments like mesotherapy , microneedling or TKN that can help you achieve great results and the body and skin that you’ve always wanted.

what is nucleofill

What is Nucleofill?

what is nucleofill saint albans

What is Nucleofill?

A Revolutionary Skin Lifting Injectable Treatment

Did you know that the aging process of your skin starts as early as your mid-twenties? Around the age of 20-25, your skin begins to lose its natural radiance, becoming less firm, less plump, and more prone to wrinkles. If you’re noticing these early signs of aging, Nucleofill may be the solution you’ve been looking for.


Nucleofill is an innovative injectable treatment that deeply rejuvenates and regenerates the skin. It offers three primary benefits:

1. Skin Lifting: Nucleofill contains powerful polynucleotides that interact with fibroblast receptors in your skin. This process stimulates the production of type I collagen and elastin, as well as reactivates dormant fibroblasts. The result? Improved skin elasticity and a noticeable lift.

2. Antioxidant Protection: The polynucleotides in Nucleofill also act as antioxidants, neutralising free radicals in the extracellular environment. This reduces oxidative stress, a major contributor to skin aging.

3. Deep Hydration: Nucleofill’s polynucleotides bind water within the extracellular matrix (ECM), providing long-lasting hydration and ensuring your skin remains plump and moisturised.

After undergoing Nucleofill treatment, your skin will appear lifted, firmer, and more hydrated, giving you a fresh, youthful, and well-rested look.

Three Formulations for Tailored Results

Nucleofill is available in three strengths, allowing for a customised approach based on your skin’s needs:

  • Nucleofill Medium: Contains 1.5ml of 2% polynucleotides, ideal for moderate lifting and hydration.
    Nucleofill Strong: Contains 1.5ml of 2.5% polynucleotides, designed for more intensive lifting and rejuvenation.
  • Nucleofill Soft: Mainly used for the eye or lip areas.

What Can You Expect from Nucleofill?

With Nucleofill, you can achieve:

  • Enhanced skin elasticity and firmness
    A natural lifting effect
    Improved facial contours
    Increased skin hydration
    Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles

Nucleofill delivers a fresh, natural look without altering your facial features. It represents a cutting-edge biotechnology breakthrough in the field of aesthetic and anti-aging treatments.

The Nucleofill Treatment Process

The treatment begins with a consultation to determine the most suitable strength for your skin. Depending on your needs, the product can be administered using one of two techniques:

  • Bolus Deposit Technique: Injections are placed at five bioesthetic points on each side of the face, targeting key areas for a lifting effect.
    Microdeposit Technique: Small amounts of the product are injected directly into specific areas requiring treatment.

For those with a low pain threshold, an anesthetic cream can be applied to minimise discomfort. During the procedure, you may feel a slight pinching or stretching sensation.

We recommend a series of 2-4 treatments, spaced four weeks apart, for optimal results. In some cases, a combined approach may be used, applying the Strong formula to the mid-face area and the Medium formula to the lower face, chin, or neck. This combination enhances the overall results, addressing both the face and neck simultaneously.


Who Should Consider Nucleofill?

Nucleofill is ideal for people experiencing:

– Dehydrated skin
– Hypoxic (oxygen-deprived) skin
– Exposure to oxidative stress

It is particularly beneficial for those noticing a loss of skin firmness, a deteriorating facial contour, or thinning skin. Nucleofill is suitable for clients of all ages and skin types due to its versatile treatment protocols.

Are There Any Contraindications?

Nucleofill is a natural, safe treatment, but there are certain contraindications to consider, including:

– Active cancer
– Pregnancy or breastfeeding
– Blood-thinning medications
– Keloid scars
– Herpes or other viral infections at the treatment site
– Fungal or bacterial skin infections at the treatment site
– Inflammation at the treatment site

Nucleofill contains no sensitising or allergenic substances, making it a safe option for skin rejuvenation.

what is nucleofil welwyn garden city
what is nucleofil stevenage
20 things you need to know about eyebrow lamination 640x640 1

20 things you need to know about eyebrow lamination

What is eyebrow lamination?

Eyebrow lamination is a real hit among eyebrow treatments!

If you do not have perfect eyebrows and the hair is unruly or grows irregularly, eyebrow lamination is for you! It is a procedure that allows you to groom and temporarily change the direction of the hair.

We combine the brow lamination treatment with tinting and shaping, due to which we achieve the beautiful brow transformation.

20 things you need to know about eyebrow lamination

Can eyebrow lamination damage natural hair?

Like with any procedure that involves chemicals, when the technician performing the treatment does not have adequate knowledge on how to use the products, it can cause harm and damage the eyebrow hair.

Eyebrow lamination is a procedure intended for professional use. We often find youtube videos titled “Eyebrow lamination at home” or “Home eyebrow lamination” unfortunately, people who perform these treatments do not have any professional knowledge about the ingredients and effects of the products they use. We also noticed that in many of these videos they brushed their hair in an unnatural way, what resulted in hair being broken and dry after a few weeks.

Where did the eyebrow lamination come from?

With the appearance of eyelash lift products on the market, interest in treatments that can change the shape of the hair has increased. Beauticians used eyelash lifting products with better or worse results … Some products were too strong and often irritated the skin and provoked allergic reactions. After a few years, products for eyebrow lamination began to appear on the market, they are much milder than the products for eyelash lifts. The concept of the treatment, however, is the same; with the help of 2 products, an activator and a neutralizer, we chemically change the structure of the hair.

What to expect during eyebrow lamination treatment?

Step-by-step eyebrow lamination.

Skin is cleaned and all makeup removed;

Using a lint-free applicator or a brush first product is applied to the eyebrow hair.

The eyebrows are combed to the desired shape, the activating product is left on the hair for the appropriate length of time. Sometimes the brows with product are covered with a clean film.

The activator product is removed;

The 2nd product, a neutralizer is applied to the brows. The brows are again combed to the desired shape. Product is left on the brows for an appropriate length of time.

The neutralizer is removed and brow lamination is complete;

We will then tint and shape your eyebrows.

Are there any brow lamination contraindications?

• Allergy to any of the ingredients in the product
• Wounds, abrasions, cuts and cracks in the skin around the brows
• Dry skin
• Active acne in the eyebrow area
• Atopic dermatitis (AD / eczema)
• Chemical peel within the 2 weeks before the treatment
• Retinol in the last month before the procedure.

How to look after eyebrow lamination at home?

At the end of the treatment the hair is perfectly styled. For the first 24 hours the brows shouldn’t be touched or get wet.

The brow hairs after eyebrow lamination are very soft and easy to style.

Brows can be styled depending on what effect the client wants to achieve; Either brushed up for a fluffier effect or brushed to the side for a thinner brow look.

The eyebrow lamination is a chemical treatment, so the brows should be conditioned daily, we recommend using products such as eyebrow oils; castor or argan oils.

Drop of oil on should be applied to each eyebrow before going to bed and then the eyebrows should be gently brushed.

Lack of aftercare may result in hair becoming unruly, frizzy and dry. Brows that have not been looked after become difficult to style.

Is eyebrow lamination treatment suitable for everyone?

If the client has no contraindications to the treatment, and has eyebrow hair then they are a good candidate for the treatment.

Can eyebrow lamination and henna eyebrows be combined together?

We never combine eyebrow lamination with powder henna treatment.

Henna eyebrows can be performed a few days after the lamination.

Can eyebrow lamination be performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not a contraindication to eyebrow lamination.

The risk in this case is skin irritation and allergic reactions may occur with the treatment. Pregnant and lactating women often cannot take many medicines, so we advise against experimenting with new treatments during this period just in case.

Can eyebrow lamination be done on top of permanent makeup?

There are no contraindications between eyebrow lamination and permanent makeup. If the semi permanent make-up is healed, the eyebrows can be laminated.

How often can brow lamination treatment be repeated?

If the client wants to maintain the effect of eyebrow lamination, we recommend repeating the treatment after 6-8 weeks. However, the client should be made aware of the importance of aftercare.

Is eyebrow lamination painful?

The procedure is painless. However, if the client feels stronger itching or stinging during the treatment, she should immediately inform her technician. During the treatment slight tingling is ok.

Is it ok to apply makeup on eyebrows after eyebrow lamination?

For the first day after the treatment, eyebrows should not be excessively touched or come into contact with water and high humidity such as baths or saunas. 24 hours after the treatment, makeup can be applied to eyebrows.

Can eyebrow lamination cause allergic reactions?

Is flaky skin and irritation the same as an allergy? Not necessarily. It should be remembered that the treatment uses products that actively affect the outer layer of the skin. So if a client has delicate, dry skin or rarely exfoliates, we can expect the effect of flaking skin after the treatment. This can be prevented by regularly exfoliating and moisturizing the face.

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Fat dissolving

Fat Dissolving

Injectable lipolysis is a treatment that reduces fat deposits in selected areas, such as: chin, jaw, abdomen, back, thighs and knees. The procedure itself involves injecting phosphatidylcholine into fat tissue, which dissolves the cell membrane of fat cells, and reducing local fat deposits.

Treatments can be repeated, depending on individual expectations, 2–6 times, at intervals of 4 weeks. The results after a single treatment can be seen after about 4 weeks.

After 1st treatment clients may want to come to a control appointment/assessment, when the results can be assessed and a plan for the next treatments would be made (sometimes a different product may be suggested given the results that can be seen after one treatment).


During the first treatment only one vial will be used on the body, too much product cannot be administered during this first treatment.

During the next appointments the amount of product can be increased up to 2 vials (2 vials should be used to cover the large area).

The degree of fat reduction depends on the area of the body that was subjected to the treatment and client’s aftercare (those who follow it precisely can see greater results compared to those who do not).

The lipolysis procedure is not painful and does not require the use of anesthetics. After the treatment, there may be slight redness, swelling and bruising, these are normal reactions to injections. These symptoms disappear completely within a couple of days.



What concerns can be treated with fat dissolving?

  • Double chin
  • Fat deposits on a stomach and the sides
  • Fat deposits on the inner and back of thighs
  • Excess fat on the area under buttocks
  • Excess fat around the upper arms
  • Chubby Knees.

Who cannot get fat dissolving treatment?

People who have the following conditions:

  • Acute kidney and liver diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Blood clotting disorder
  • Taking blood thinning medication
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Acute inflammation/infection
  • Soy allergy


Who can benefit from fat dissolving treatment?

The lipolysis is a great treatment for people with normal body weight or those who are slightly overweight. It helps to remove the so-called local fat (folds on the back, abdomen, thighs) that are difficult to get rid of with diet or exercise. This treatment should not be used as a weight loss treatment by those with severe obesity, and it may not be very effective in this case.
Also, if someone has lost weight and was left with an excess of the skin, this treatment will not be very effective, these clients would benefit more from our skin tightening and volumizing treatments for example skin boosters or mesotherapy treatments.


What can you expect during the fat dissolving appointment?

During the short consultation, we will ask you to fill in the forms with questions on your health and medication you take. This is to exclude any contraindications to the treatment.
Treatment is painless and anesthetic cream isn’t necessary before the treatment.
The needle that is used to inject small portions of the product is super fine and very well tolerated by even extremely sensitive clients.

Then we will disinfect the skin and inject the product into the marked previously points.
After the treatment, there may be swelling and redness, some clients experience mild tingling sensation in the treated area. Some clients may have an occasional bruise in the injection site.
These are normal and don’t last long (couple of days).



After the treatment, you can straight away return to work and your daily activities. Most of clients choose to get a session of 2-3 treatments on the same area, but some can see great results after just one treatment and only one treatment is enough. That usually depends on the amount of fatty deposits that need to be removed (more can require repeated treatments), client’s aftercare, and client’s expectations (some can be perfectly happy after just some fat tissue is removed where others seek to have it all removed).



We recommend to drink plenty of water, avoid drinking alcohol, eat healthy and to try light exercise to support the fat loss. Massaging the area for couple of minutes a day will improve the results.


What is mesotherapy treatment 640x600 1

What is mesotherapy treatment


Mesotherapy improves condition of the skin and its overall appearance. The treatment is done by injecting a specific products or cocktails in the skin.

What is an injectable mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is one of the most popular treatments used in aesthetics. It is an excellent way to prevent and correct skin aging, treat hair loss and cellulite. It allows to get fast and near perfect results. Injectable mesotherapy is a procedure that involves injecting small doses of various substances (vitamins, microelements, amino acids, hyaluronic acid) into the appropriate layer of the skin.


What is mesotherapy

What are the benefits of mesotherapy?

  • Firming of the skin,
  • Reduction of skin discolouration and dark spots
  • Deep Skin hydration,
  • Increasing the thickness/volume of the thin skin
  • Smoothing out wrinkles, scars and stretch marks,
  • Solution and prevention of hair loss


Who should get mesotherapy?

People with one or more of the following:

  • Fine wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté,
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Thin, lacking volume, dehydrated skin on the face and body
  • Cellulite
  • Stretch marks
  • Hair loss
  • Sagging skin


How to prepare for mesotherapy treatment?

Before the mesotherapy procedure at Beauty Bar in Ware, there is a short consultation. We will ask you to fill in the forms to exclude any contraindications and determine the best course of treatment for you. Depending on the problem we are dealing with, we may decide on a combination of products or treatments so we the procedure will be personal tailored for you, to deal better with your skin concerns. An anesthetic cream is also applied to minimize any discomfort during the procedure.


What to expect after mesotherapy?

As with most injectable procedures, you can return to your daily activities pretty much straight after the treatment. There may be minor bruising and swelling in the injection site, which will disappear on its own within a few days. If we used thicker products for example these containing hyaluronic acid, you may have small dots/bumps in the treated area. These should disperse the same day or in the morning of day after. You can’t wear makeup for at least 4 hours after your treatment.

Depending on the injected product, treatments should be repeated approximately 2-4 weeks apart. After a series of treatments, we may discuss other treatments or products to maintain the effect of your mesotherapy long term, that usually depends on the needs of your skin (1-2 times a year).


What happens during the mesotherapy treatment?

After your consultation, we will select an appropriate to the needs of your skin product or a mix of products. We will apply anesthetic cream if necessary to minimize any discomfort during the treatment. Then we will inject the product with a very thin needle, administering it to the appropriate area on your face, neck, decolletage or any other chosen body part.

Depending on the skin concerns, type and ingredients in the mesotherapy product, different administration techniques are used.

The most common methods we use is a bolus or micro deposit technique. These are series of shallow intradermal injections that leave little bumps – depositing the product under the skin. These are absorbed from couple of hours to few days (depending on the density of the product).

With some denser mesotherapy products, we may use a linear technique. That is mostly used to fill in the wrinkles and lines.

With younger clients or less denser products we may use the nappage technique.

After the treatment we will apply a special serum and cream with hyaluronic acid and amino acids and a soothing mask to calm the skin.




What are the contraindications to mesotherapy treatment?

  • Active Skin infections
  • Cancer or chemotherapy within the last 6 months
  • Pregnancy,
  • Breast feeding
  • Uncontrolled diabetes,
  • Blood thinners
  • Tendency to Keloid or hypertrophic scars


Does mesotherapy hurt?

The needle used with mesotherapy is very thin and short. For about 15-30minutes before the procedure, we will apply an anesthetic cream to the treated areas to minimize any discomfort.


What can be treated with injectable mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy on the face, neck and cleavage (or any other body part like hands or stomach for example) – it will improve the skin hydration, firmness, density and colour, will reduce discolouration and dark spots, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin.

Mesotherapy on the upper and lower eyelids – it will reduce puffiness and dark circles and shadows around the eyes, will incre the elasticity and firmness of the eyelid skin, smoothing fine wrinkles.

Mesotherapy on the scalp – it will minimize or stop the hair loss, it will stimulate the hair growth, improves condition of the hair, increase hair thickness.

Stretch mark mesotherapy – it will reduce and improve the appearance of stretch marks, they will become smaller, less visible, the color will even out and skin becomes healthier.

Cellulite mesotherapy – will smooth out the skin, reduce the cellulite.


How soon mesotherapy effects are visible and how long do they last?

A series of treatments are recommended as they give the best results, although beneficial changes are already visible on many people after the first treatment. The results of the mesotherapy treatment last on average 6-12 months but it depends on each individual person, their anatomy, genetics, general health and lifestyle.


What shall I do after mesotherapy treatment?

After the treatment, sunlight and heat should be avoided for at least two weeks. Use sunscreen every day and regenerating cream recommended by technician at Beauty Bar.