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5 things you need to know before getting a semi-permanent lip tattoo

Semi-Permanent makeup of the lips – 5 things you need to know before getting a semi-permanent lip tattoo

Beautiful, symmetrical, even in colour and full lips are a perfect finish to your make-up. However, what happens if the lipstick or lip gloss gets “eaten” quite quickly, and you do not want to or have no time to constantly reapply your lipgloss and draw the perfect outline? Or simply your lips seem too narrow and pale, or with uneven colour in the lip line?


Of course, to improve the look of your lips you can always opt for fillers or plastic surgery.

Semi-permanent lip tattoo is a less radical and cheaper solution.

Lip tattooing will delicately enhance the natural contour of your lips, correct the asymmetry and strengthen the colour.

The lip pigmentation can be complemented with lip fillers to enhance their size.

Lip permanent tattooing is the most subtle way to beautify the face.

It should not be drawn outside the lip line or treated as a strong evening make-up.

The chosen lip colour should complement the client’s natural skin colour, lip colour, and personal style.

Lips can be slightly enhanced by adding lighter illuminating colour above the upper lip. This can optically enlarge lips that are too thin or flat.

The best and most beautiful results can be achieved if the colour of your permanent lip makeup is chosen to match your natural lip color, but a tone darker or brighter.

We can also use more than one colour to create contouring, where a darker colour will be placed closer to the outline of the lips and the lighter colour in the center.


Every procedure will require a consultation before the treatment. We usually see clients for a 15 minutes consultation to patch test for pigment and anaesthetic cream, and to fill out a medical question forms, so we can exclude any contraindications to the treatment.

On the day of your treatment, we will draw the shape for you to approve, and choose the colours. The treatment won’t start until we are both happy and agreeing on the final result.

The whole procedure including the application of the numbing cream and drawing of the template can take up to 2.5hours.

Permanent makeup lasts from 2 to 5 years, depending on the skin type of the client and how they look after their enhanced lips.

lip blush tattoo


If you ever had the herpes simplex virus (cold sores) you do carry the virus for life. A few days before the procedure, you should start taking tablets that prevent the herpes outbreak.

For about two days before the treatment, you should not drink any alcohol, take aspirin (both thin blood) and not take ibuprofen tablets or antibiotics (slow down the healing process). Cigarette smoking can also slow down the healing process.

For a few days after you will be asked to apply healing ointment a few times a day to your lips to keep your lips moisturized.

You should avoid tanning before and after the treatment until your lips are healed.

To avoid getting your lips wet, you may want to drink through a straw.

The procedure is performed with the help of topical anaesthetic cream.

For the first few days after the semi-permanent lip tattooing, the lip colour will be more intense and darker, and the colour can look red.

After about 5 days a target chosen colour will start showing up.

Never plan your semi-permanent makeup procedure close to a big event or holiday, it takes a few days before they start to look good and perfect.

You should plan your touch up control visit 4 to 6 weeks later after the initial appointment.

permanent lips healed


The skin on your lips must be treated gently. Do not soak, rub, touch, or apply various cosmetics on, other than the ones recommended by your technician.

Do not use tanning beds, go to sauna steam room, swimming pool and SPA. You also need to moisturise your lips several times a day with the recommended product.


Permanent makeup should not be performed on any client who has cancer and undergoing the chemo treatment at present, unless the client’s doctor decided otherwise, treatment can be performed at 6 months after the last chemo session.

Clients with advanced diabetes or diabetes that is not under control/treated will also need a doctor’s allowance for the treatment.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, clients with psoriasis in the site of treatment, or active herpes.

Clients with present infections and on steroid medications will also have to postpone the treatment until they have stopped taking the medication.

It is also not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to pain.

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Reconstruction of the eyebrows after cancer and chemotherapy

Semi-permanent makeup – Reconstruction of the eyebrows after cancer and chemotherapy

Cancer affects an increasing number of people. The ways of treating cancer have become much more effective, but the side effects affect the appearance, happiness, and comfort of every person touched by this illness. The most common consequences of chemotherapy – the cancer treatment, is the loss of hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Especially women find it very difficult to deal with.


Semi-permanent makeup – how can it help?

Reconstruction of the eyebrow hairs that were lost due to chemotherapy. Can semi-permanent makeup help after chemo? Yes!
Some people may not think it is important, but the fact is that eyebrows improve the appearance. It makes the chemo patient feel better and less self-conscious.
The lack of eyebrows is a very big confidence drop for a woman. Without eyebrows, women do not feel very attractive and self-confident.
Permanent eyebrow tattoo and makeup will allow women to optically reconstruct the hair in the eyebrow area permanently, and get back to feeling themselves again. 
With semi-permanent tattooed eyebrows, women do not need to worry about their appearance, and they won’t have to draw their eyebrows every day. Then touch them up constantly during the day, checking in the mirror wondering if their drawn-on brows haven’t rubbed off or smudged.

Permanent makeup – when to get it – before or after chemotherapy?

Permanent makeup can be done either before or after chemotherapy.
Often women decide to have semi-permanent eyebrow makeup before they start the course of chemotherapy. Semi-permanent eyebrows that are done before chemotherapy will help the chemo patient to find it easier when their appearance starts to change and when they start losing the eyebrow hairs.
The gradual loss of the eyebrow hair will not be as noticeable as the semi-permanent eyebrows will be there to replace the real hairs. The treatment should be done in advance to allow the enhancement to heal fully before the chemotherapy treatments will start.

Reconstruction of the eyebrows, micro-pigmentation after chemotherapy

It is important to wait for an appropriate period of time from when the last chemo treatment has ended.
The body needs time to recover after chemotherapy or radiotherapy sessions.
The white blood cell count needs to be at 2000-3000 leukocytes / mm³, so we know that the immune system is strong enough to be able to battle any possible infections and foreign invaders. If your doctor has not advised different, it will usually be 6 months after your last chemo treatment.
We suggest the hair stroke method, or the hair strokes with delicate shading to give the most natural and realistic look to the reconstructed eyebrows.
After this treatment, the semi-permanent make-up will look like natural eyebrow hairs.

eyebrow reconstruction chemo alopecia

What do you need to know when looking after your new tattooed eyebrows?
After your permanent eyebrows have been done, it is really important to look after them well. We give all our clients written aftercare instructions to follow.
For a week you should avoid wearing makeup and for the further 2 weeks, you should avoid swimming pools, tanning, and any SPA treatments.

We look forward to answering any questions you may have and welcoming you in our beauty salon based in Hertford.

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What to do when semi permanent make up goes wrong

Semi permanent eyebrow correction at Beauty Bar

We often get asked if we can correct other people’s work and unfortunately in many cases, we can’t and that really upsets us!
We see more and more bad semi-permanent makeup procedures which really has such a negative impact on someone’s life!
We wanted to share this story to illustrate to our clients and potential clients that research is essential in this game.
In many cases, it cannot be fixed so try to choose someone who has a good reputation and built up a portfolio for you to see!

eyebrow correction

Our lovely client Natalie had everyone’s worst nightmare and was left so unhappy with her previous eyebrows!
We are going to share the journey with you on how we actually managed to correct these brows and how we helped Natalie fall back in love with her brows and give her back that confidence she lost due to someone else’s poor practice and profiteering attitude! 😘😍😍😍

“I have been visiting Justyna since July 2018 for eyelash extension. I was completely against extension and haven’t looked back since my first set of lashes largely due to the fact of Justyna’s professionalism and knowledge.

On my second appointment, I remember Justyna telling me about all of the other treatments she offered including semi-permanent eyebrows. I was excited about this as I had my eyebrows done previously but they were faded and had gaps. Straightaway Justyna advised that to do my eyebrows I would need to have the old colour removed. This was something I didn’t want to do.

eyebrow correction template

A few months later Justyna offered me to be a correction model. I was delighted. When I came for my appointment and unbeknown to me – considering I see my face every day. My eyebrows were wonky! One higher than the other and one thinner than the other! I cannot explain how odd they were.

Justyna wasn’t sure if she could proceed as they were so wonky. It was then she decided to freehand draw my new brows and see if she could get the shape and make them not so odd. All the way through checking I was happy with them.

Once Justyna and I were happy with the shape we went ahead. I was apprehensive at first as I did not have any numbing cream on, that said I didn’t want to take the drawing off. Justyna reassured me that I would be ok. I went through the whole procedure with no numbing cream.

eyebrows before correction

I can say 100% that not having the numbing cream was absolutely ok. It is not painful at all and in fact, Justyna said it will help to keep the colour in by not having the anaesthetic cream.

When I saw the finished brows I nearly cried they were actually what I wanted and not odd! They are not identical but one is not higher than the other and they are the same thickness. The colour match was spot on! They look natural but ready to go! Not a reddish tone.

I highly recommend semi-permanent eyebrows! You can just get up and be ready for the day.

semi-permanent makeup correction

I got my original brows from a well-known beauty shop 3 years back and now from going to Justyna, I would not go anywhere else. I was talked through every step, how colour reacts and how to get the best results. The compliments just keep coming for my new and improved brows.

Thank you Justyna for being the perfectionist that you are.”


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What is Semi-permanent Makeup?

The history and advantages of permanent makeup tattooing

Permanent makeup is an aesthetic tattoo that can correct imperfections, and most importantly – does not smudge. In addition, permanent make-up can cover minor skin defects such as pigmentation spots, scars, and blemishes. It can be applied on eyebrows, lips, and eyelids.

PERMANENT MAKEUP – is it worth it?

Where does permanent makeup come from? People always wanted to look better. Both women and men have put a lot of effort into decorating their bodies in various ways for centuries. Apart from wearing jewellery, they also began to pierce their ears, noses, and cheeks to enhance their looks even more. They pained their bodies which shortly led to tattooing as it was a more permanent solution, just. 2000 years ago, the Chinese used bamboo sticks and vegetable origin dye to tattoo their bodies.

Semi-permanent Makeup

The semi-permanent makeup as we know it today is done by a semi-permanent machine and needles mostly in cartridges. Cartridges prevent the bodily fluids to be “sucked up” back to the machine and therefore to prevent cross-contamination. It can correct the shape of the lips – slightly enlarge them, fix the lack of symmetry, restore colour where it started to fade, or give the look of conventional makeup (lipstick effect). It can also contour the eyes from very fine eyeliner, the smudged line between the lashes or a bold and thicker eyeliner with or without a flick. And of course, the most popular is eyebrow tattooing. There are many choices available, from hair strokes, soft powder look, ombre, and combination of all the above techniques. People require this treatment for all different reasons. Their brows can be asymmetric, droopy, too thin, thinning, gappy, overplucked and so on.

This is a great solution for busy women who suffer from lack of time in the morning. The perfect solution for swimmers, gym goers, ladies with oily skin and those who are simply not that good in applying makeup (it takes a long time, never looks symmetrical). A rescue for people who lost their eyebrows or eyelashes after chemotherapy, as well as for all those who may be allergic to conventional makeup.

How is permanent makeup done?

Semi-permanent make-up treatment is broken up to 3 appointments.

1st a short consultation to exclude any contraindications to the micro pigmentation treatment and to patch test for pigment and anaesthetic.

2nd an initial appointment that includes a proper consultation where we choose the colours and draw the template shape. This appointment can take up to 2.5hours. The needles and cartridges we use are disposable, pigments are non-toxic and they do not cause allergies. We use a topical anaesthetic cream to make the procedure more pleasant.

The 3rd session is done 4 to 6 weeks later. This appointment takes usually much less time as it is a touch-up control visit. This session is used to perfect your enhancement and reinforce it.

Semi-permanent makeup on average lasts between 2 to 5 years.

What is Semi-permanent Makeup

How to look after your semi-permanent tattoo after the treatment?

An irritation, redness and even swelling of the skin may occur during the treatment, these symptoms will disappear quickly, and you can go back to work the same day.
Your skin may start to peel off lightly ( it will NOT scab) so washing and application of moisturizing aftercare cream will be advised. For the first 2 weeks, you should avoid steam rooms and swimming, and sun exposure for 6 weeks. We give our clients written aftercare with step by step instructions.

How to find a semi-permanent artist that you can trust?

It is best to find a reputable beauty salon, where semi-permanent make-up treatments are performed by a certified semi-permanent technician who is fully insured.

Always a semi-permanent health form should be filled in before starting a procedure, and a patch test is done to exclude any sensitivity and allergies towards anaesthetic and pigments
There are various contraindications to the treatment of semi-permanent make-up, that should be picked up before your treatment.
A good semi-permanent makeup artist should also have a portfolio of their work, pictures of not only tattooed eyebrows, lips, and eyeliners right after the treatment but also healed results. Healed semi-permanent makeup never lies, as all the mistakes that are not visible right after the treatment will come up when the skin heals ( greying and bluish tones that show when someone worked too deep in the skin, hair strokes blending together and bleeding pigment under the skin just to name a few).